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Michael Bonehill OBE invited as Guest of Honour to the opening of the East London Black Women’s Organisation

Michael Bonehill OBE invited as Guest of Honour to the opening of the East London Black Women’s Organisation

Michael Bonehill OBE invited as Guest of Honour to the opening of the East London Black Women’s Organisation

Michael Bonehill has been invited to the opening of a facility for the East London Black Women’s Organisation which he helped them to acquire.

This is just one of the many charities that he supports.

How did Michael help his client?

Michael’s client had a vacant piece of land with a portacabin on it that they owned. He was able to help them in putting a deal together to sell the land to a developer; in return for a premium, and for a 999-year lease on a new community centre to be included within the redevelopment, at no cost to them.

The work was pro bono.

About Michael

Michael’s major area of work relates to Commercial Property and Development and he also has extensive experience in Company and Commercial Law, Banking Law and General business negotiations.

He acts as an Advisor to a number of National Charities and Organisations in many fields, particularly Arts and Education and has wide experience of the Commercial Sponsorship of Charities and their general funding. He has been involved on a pro bono basis in the funding, acquisition and construction of buildings for charities and schools to a value of over £65 million.

His interests include the theatre, sports and the arts.

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