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Types of Pregnancy and Childbirth Negligence

Types of Pregnancy and Childbirth Negligence

Types of Pregnancy and Childbirth Negligence

The birth of a child should be an occasion that is full of joy, but unfortunately childbirth can be dangerous and many issues may develop for both mother and baby.

If you have received negligent care during pregnancy and childbirth, you may be entitled to pursue a claim for medical negligence. Our team are experts in handling such claims and securing compensation for mothers who have suffered as a result of pregnancy and childbirth negligence.

Childbirth negligence can take many forms including:

Caesarean Section negligence

Such negligent treatment can include surgical errors and unnecessary delays before a C Section is performed. 

Misdiagnosis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, many symptoms are missed and can lead to health problems for the mother and child including pre-eclampsia and maternal sepsis.

Childbirth tears (including perineal tears)

These can be caused by negligent use of forceps during delivery. Treatment of such childbirth tears can also be negligent, especially if tears are not stitched, sutured or treated properly. This can cause a delay to the healing process and further pain and suffering to the new mother.

Injuries to mothers and babies

Negligent pregnancy and childbirth treatment can affect a mother’s health and can lead to surgical mistakes, childbirth tears and misdiagnosis of various conditions.

Unfortunately, complications during childbirth can lead to life altering conditions including in the most extreme cases brain damage. 

Can you claim?

It can be difficult to know if you have a potential pregnancy medical negligence case, especially if it is your first pregnancy and you have nothing to compare it to. We appreciate that childbirth and pregnancy mistakes can be extremely traumatic. Our aim is primarily to aid your recovery and to assist you in relation to your inevitable feeling of injustice.

We have expertise in handling the following types of claims:

  • midwife negligence claims
  • contraception failure negligence claims

Why choose Edwards Duthie Shamash

We have extensive experience in handling such cases and have recovered thousands of pounds in compensation for claimants who have suffered pregnancy and childbirth negligence. 

We handle cases on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Time limits

You have three years from the date of the negligent act or three years from the child’s 18th birthday in which to commence court proceedings. 

Therefore, please do not delay in contacting our pregnancy and childbirth negligence experts on 020 8514 9035 or emailing Bradley Wright on bw@edslaw.co.uk.

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