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Edwards Duthie Shamash secure urgent relief from forfeiture on behalf of a commercial tenant

Edwards Duthie Shamash secure urgent relief from forfeiture on behalf of a commercial tenant

Edwards Duthie Shamash secure urgent relief from forfeiture on behalf of a commercial tenant

Edwards Duthie Shamash has been successful in securing urgent relief from forfeiture on behalf of a commercial tenant.

Rental arrears can be very problematical for a tenant who is seeking to hold their business together in these difficult times.

Edwards Duthie Shamash acted for a tenant where the landlord was very quick off the mark in taking possession of the premises. Bailiffs were instructed to change the locks and notices were then served terminating the tenancy for our client’s fast-food business. This had the hallmarks of a disaster written all over it. We were however able to save the day. Within 7 days, we successfully obtained an Order from the Court granting the tenant relief from forfeiture. He was then able to go back into his premises and continue business as before.

This case was dealt with by our Senior Partner, Shaun Murphy.

If you are a commercial tenant having problems with your landlord, we have a number of experienced lawyers who can guide you through such problems.

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