Frances Randle is the Labour Party’s local government solicitor, and has a broad and extensive experience of Local government.
Experience & Areas of Expertise
Frances worked for Westminster City Council from 1979 to 1986, and was also employed at the London Borough of Camden. She was head of the Homeless persons Unit at Westminster City Council, and was an investigator with the Independent Housing Ombudsman from 1996 to 2002.
Frances qualified as a solicitor in 2002, and was an investigator with the Standards Board for England from October 2002 to April 2005
Frances represents Labour Party councillors and politicians at local conduct hearings and in appeals before the First tier Tribunal in England, the Welsh Ombudsman and the Standards Commissioner in Scotland. Frances can also advise and represent in any subsequent Judicial review proceedings.
Frances is highly regarded by her peers and is recommended in Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 directories.
Frances Randle at Steel and Shamash is the Labour party’s local government solicitor, and specialises in conduct matters. (The Legal 500 2014)
Frances Randle provides specialist advice regarding eligibility, publicity and defamation matters in local government elections… (The Legal 500 2013)
Frances Randle works primarily with the Labour Party, bringing together experience of local government and political understanding in her representations of party members in conduct hearings (Chambers and Partners 2013)
Notable recent cases;