When accidents happen in public spaces, we are here to help.
Our expert team of solicitors will help you make a claim if you have been injured in a public place.

Types of accidents in public spaces
We have successfully helped thousands of people in the past who have suffered accidents in the following areas:
- Council property
- Supermarkets
- Restaurants
- Nightclubs
- Shops
- Railways and car parks
- General falls
- Parks
- Beauty treatment compensation

Beauty treatment negligence
If a beauty treatment practitioner makes a mistake and their negligence causes you to suffer physical or psychological injuries, you may be entitled to make a beauty treatment claim.
A blog by Bradley Wright.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click our personal injury compensation calculator to obtain further information about personal injury damages.
If your claim is successful you will receive one total sum that is arrived at by combining two heads of damage, namely general damages and special damages. General damages is an award of money that is given to you purely in relation to the injury you have suffered and takes into account pain and suffering, loss of amenity, severity of injury and whether any ongoing treatment and care is required.
Special damages are all those losses and expenses you have incurred as a direct result of the accident including loss of earnings, loss of pension, medical treatment, ongoing care and rehabilitation, travel expenses and modifications to your home.
There are some exceptions to the above period, and therefore it is best to get in touch with us as soon as possible. This will give our personal injury solicitors every opportunity of obtaining the relevant evidence that they need to successfully make your claim. We will be able to advise you of the exact legal deadline and will still be able to help you if the deadline is approaching.
• Rehabilitation needs
• Long-term care and support
• Loss of earnings and pensions if you are no longer able to work or cannot perform the same job
• Moving to a new home or making adaptations to your existing home
Any compensation claim would also include any financial losses you have suffered including loss of earnings, loss of pension, costs of medical treatment and travel expenses and costs of any rehabilitation and care, if needed.
The value of your claim depends on a number of factors but generally there are two categories:
1. Compensation for your Personal Injury
2. Compensation for your financial losses
We will help you understand the likely level of compensation you could receive providing:
• A full assessment of the extent of your injuries
• The type of injury sustained
• Your symptoms and their duration
• Advice on what can be claimed for
We will also consider obtaining an insurance policy to be in place to pay your opponents costs should you be required to pay anything. If there is ever a situation whereby you may be required to pay something you will be advised of this possibility well in advance so that you can avoid it arising should you wish to do so.
Why should you choose Edwards Duthie Shamash’s solicitors?
We have provided specialist legal assistance for over 120 years to individuals, families and businesses.
If you have had an accident in a public space you could be entitled to compensation; even if you aren’t sure who is responsible for your injuries. Our expert personal injury solicitors will investigate your case to work out who is at fault and assess whether you can make a claim.
We’re experienced and compassionate.
Our solicitors have extensive experience in handling claims and have recovered compensation for thousands of clients. We work on a No Win No Fee basis and do our utmost to recover the compensation that you deserve in a friendly and diligent manner.