Tax planning is a very important consideration when looking ahead and managing your assets for the future. With a wealth of experience managing the estates of our clients, Edwards Duthie Shamash Solicitors can help you ensure your assets are protected and can be enjoyed by your descendants for years to come.
Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax is charged based on the value of your estate when you die. If your estate – all your assets including property, investments, life insurance and valuables – is valued over the current thresholds, you are charged 40% tax on the excess. There are different rules for married couples, and we can help you understand more about the allowances that would assist in reducing any future Inheritance Tax liability.
How we can help
When you consider the value of your house, and how that is included in your estate, you are very quickly able to exceed the limits. Our experienced Team of lawyers can assess your current assets and advise you on how to limit the impact of Inheritance Tax moving forward. As a result of doing this you can ensure that the wealth you have worked so hard all of your life to build is protected for future generations.