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We are regularly sought out for advice and representation


Experts in Criminal Law

We have a team of expert lawyers who can advise and assist in respect of a number of aspects of proceeds of crime, confiscation and money laundering.

We are regularly sought out for advice and representation in respect of

  • Cash seizures
  • Account freezing and forfeiture orders
  • Restraint orders
  • Post-conviction confiscation proceedings
  • Variations of confiscation orders
  • Enforcement of confiscation orders
  • Money laundering investigations and prosecutions

The law on confiscation and money laundering is extremely draconian. The prosecuting agencies including the police, CPS, NCA, SFO, and HMRC invest a lot of time and effort into trying to identify and quantify concepts such as ‘criminal lifestyle’  ‘benefit from criminal conduct’ ‘realisable assets’ and ‘tainted gifts’.  It is extremely technical and whilst designed to ensure that ‘criminals do not benefit from / retain their ill-gotten gains’ the reality is that it can appear extremely unfair to those who are caught up in the process.

We have a wealth of experience in challenging and litigating these matters, instructing experts where necessary, and working to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.

Should you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact Rakesh Bhasin

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