Shabaz joined the firm in March 2005 and is now a qualified Solicitor, Higher Courts Advocate and Partner in the Criminal Department.
Experience & Areas of Expertise
Shabaz is a Solicitor Advocate and Partner in the criminal department, and has worked in the arena of criminal litigation for over 15 years. He has extensive experience in criminal litigation and has advised clients on all types of offences ranging from shoplifting to murder. Shabaz has defended clients at all levels of criminal proceedings, from the police station through to the Higher Courts.
Shabaz defends cases involving all types of offences including money laundering, fraud, sexual offences, serious cases of violence, drug supply, and firearms cases. Shabaz has particular experience in “County Lines” drugs cases, and cases involving complex HMRC frauds and serious violence. Shabaz regularly appears in Magistrates and Crown Courts as an advocate and conducts most of his own trial advocacy. Shabaz has successfully obtained the prestigious Higher Rights of Audience and is qualified to appear as an advocate in the Crown and Higher Courts.
Shabaz has a particular passion for difficult and complicated cases that involve complex issues of law or extensive evidence.
In his spare time Shabaz is involved with various projects in the local community, particularly local youth projects assisting youngsters facing social and educational challenges. Shabaz helps arrange events for a local youth club and a weekly youth circle where youngsters can discuss and get advice on any issues in a friendly environment.
Panel Membership
Shabaz is a qualified police station representative, and has also successfully completed the Criminal Litigation Accreditation Scheme allowing him to act as a duty solicitor and supervise junior members of staff.
Clients/Cases of Interest
Shabaz represented DM who was charged with Murder along with a number of other Defendants in complex proceedings involving CCTV, DNA and telephone evidence. Shabaz prepared the case fully as the solicitor in the case, and also represented DM as his junior Counsel in a 5 week trial at the Central Criminal Court. DM was found Not Guilty of Murder and Manslaughter.
Shabaz represented TT, who was charged with a number of sexual offences following malicious allegations made against TT by a family member. Shabaz prepared the case fully and made a number of enquiries about the credibility of the complainant, which once investigated by the CPS led to the case against TT being discontinued.
Shabaz represented NH falsely accused of rape. On the first day of trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court, the prosecution discontinued the case against NH.
RW was charged with serious offences of GBH with a knife. Shabaz prepared the case fully, and instructed Mr Shaun Murphy (senior partner at EDS) as RW’s advocate. After a 5 day trial, RW was found Not Guilty of GBH.
MK was charged with two conspiracies to supply Class A drugs in complex proceedings involving 19 defendants. MK was found Not Guilty of all charges.
RL was charged with murder in complex proceedings involving four other defendants. At trial the prosecution eventually accepted the points made by the defence and agreed to accept a charge of violent disorder and not proceed with the trial on the murder. Formal verdict of Not Guilty to murder recorded in relation to RL.
Shabaz represented a defendant charged with possession of a firearm with intent, possession of ammunition, possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, as well as the supply of Class B drugs. D accepted being a cannabis supplier but not the other (far more serious) charges. The prosecution produced evidence to demonstrate that SH’s DNA was on the firearms and bullets, and his substantial links to where the firearm, bullets and drugs were found. Despite the strong evidence presented by the prosecution, Shabaz successfully defended SH who was found Not Guilty of all of the firearms and Class A drugs charges following a two week trial.
Shabaz represented a solicitor charged with perverting the course of justice. The case was discontinued by the prosecution.
26 year old charged with murder and attempted murder following two separate shootings. Case ongoing. Shabaz is both solicitor and advocate in the case, due to be heard at the Old Bailey next year.
51 year old male charged with murder. Shabaz is solicitor in the proceedings.
21 year old defendant with ADHD, PTSD, anxiety and depression charged with five others with conspiracy to murder three people, conspiracy to commit GBH, conspiracy to possess firearms with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The trial began on the 4th January 2021 at the CCC and concluded on the 14th March 2021. The defendant was found Not Guilty of all the murder and associated charges. Shabaz was both solicitor and advocate in the case, led by Queen’s Counsel.
HO is one of 29 defendants charged with a conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. The case in ongoing.
Shabaz represented JL who was charged with attempted murder. After a four week trial at the Wood Green Crown Court he was found Not guilty of attempted murder by the jury.
Shabaz represents an 18 year old charged with murder. JK is one of six defendants in very complex proceedings involving telephonic cell-site, CCTV and forensic evidence. Shabaz is both solicitor and advocate in the case.
Shabaz represents YA, one of 23 defendants charged by the HMRC in a fraud worth in excess of £26 million. The prosecution have served almost 1,000,000 pages of digital evidence. Due to be tried in 2022, the case has taken almost ten years to investigate and prosecute and is extremely complex.
21 year old charged with two others of murder in south London on the 30th July 2020. PP charged with murder and possession of an offensive weapon. Tried at the CCC. Shabaz was both solicitor and advocate in the case.
MM and his two others were charged with Conspiracy to Murder. Following a three week trial MM, the prosecution agreed to discontinue the murder charge, in exchange for a plea to a lesser charge (GBH).
Murder case at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey).
Murder case at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey). Shabaz is both solicitor and junior Counsel in the case.
Conspiracy to commit commercial burglaries and handle stolen goods in excess of £250,000, at the Snaresbrook Crown Court. The case involved a number of defendants in complex proceedings involving the Flying Squad. Shabaz was both solicitor and advocate in the case.
Complex case involving handling stolen goods in excess of £1 million at the Snaresbrook Crown Court, in which over 93,000 pages of evidence was served by the prosecution.
Represented a solicitor accused of assault.
Client charged with serious “County Lines” drugs offences in the Cardiff area, as well serious GBH offences. The case was complex and over 12,000 pages of evidence had to be considered.
Clients represented for serious “County Lines” drugs operations in the Exeter area, involving 9 defendants in complex proceedings in which over 20,000 pages of evidence was served
Conspiracy to supply Class A drugs involving 10 defendants at the Aylesbury Crown Court.
Complex fraud conspiracy involving six defendants at the Snaresbrook Crown Court.
Client ( a youth) charged with serious GBH offences, in which the usual sentence would have been one of six years imprisonment. Shabaz represented the client as solicitor and advocate. The Court imposed a non-custodial sentence, which the Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal as a lenient sentence. Shabaz represented the client at the Court of Appeal, where he successfully argued that the sentence should be upheld and the Attorney General’s reference dismissed.
Complex proceedings at the Blackfriars Crown Court involving the importation of £25 million of heroin and cocaine and money laundering over £1 million.
One of the largest conspiracies to manufacture and supply illegal steroids. The case involved over 22 defendants at the Caernarfon Crown Court.
Currently representing a defendant charged with handling £1,000,000 worth of stolen motor vehicles. The case is due to be heard at the Basildon Crown Court.
Shabaz represented one of seven defendants in a murder trial at the Old bailey. Shabaz was both the solicitor and junior advocate in the case involving complex issues in a 3-month trial. The defendant was found not guilty.
Shabaz represented one of six men charged with robbery and manslaughter at the Old Bailey. The case has received much media interest.
Represented one of three men charged with serious firearms offences following an incident where a gun was discharged at police officers.
Defendant charged with assault and criminal damage on a neighbour with a baseball bat. The Defendant was of good character and was found not guilty at Stratford Magistrates Court.
Shabaz represented two brothers charged with conspiracy to defraud in a serious and complex case involving a number defendants. The defendants were accused of staging car accidents for insurance claims in a ‘crash for cash’ scenario. The evidence against both defendants was extremely strong. A tactical agreement was reached with the Crown in which both defendants pleaded guilty on a limited basis. Both defendants were sentenced to suspended sentence, thereby avoiding an immediate prison sentence.
The Defendant was charged with three counts of assault against family members. A conviction for any one the assault charges would have resulted in Mr Morris losing his good character and his employment. Shabaz fully prepared the case and represented the client at court as his advocate. The client was found not guilty of all three charges.
Successful Judicial Review of the decision of a Crown Court Judge to impose conditions of bail. Mr Rizwan was made subject to unnecessary bail conditions by a Crown Court Judge. An application was made on behalf of the client at the High Court, where the decision of the Crown Court Judge was successfully overturned. Mr Rizwan’s bail conditions were therefore quashed.
Represented one of five defendants at the Harrow Crown Court accused of the professional planning and theft of a high value classic motor vehicle. Mr Shah was the only defendant found not guilty at the Harrow Crown Court, all other defendants guilty and due to be sentenced.
Defendant charged with conspiracy to rob in a complex case involving six defendants and a six count indictment. The trial is expected to last at least four weeks at the Snaresbrook Crown Court, and will involve cell site experts and telephone evidence, a number of witnesses and complex legal arguments. The case is on-going.
Shabaz represented a defendant charged with serious offences of s.18 Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) and aggravated burglary. The defendant appeared for trial at the Inner London Crown Court and was eventually found not guilty of both offences.
Defendant charged with serious offences of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and money laundering. After a four-day trial at the Northampton Crown Court, the defendant was found not guilty by the jury.
Shabaz represented the defendant who was charged with an affray, and was responsible for the case preparation and the trial advocacy in this case. Defendant found not guilty.
Shabaz represented one of five defendants charged with two counts of robbery, two counts of firearms and false imprisonment charges. This case involved complex cell site evidence and forensics. Despite strong evidence presented by the Crown Prosecution Service the client was acquitted after a nine day trial at the Crown Court. All other defendants received substantial custodial sentences.
Shabaz represented a young man accused of sexual assault and ABH following an incident in a nightclub. The Defendant was a young man who would have received a custodial sentence if convicted. After a four day trial, the client was found not guilty by the jury.
Mr Ali instructed Shabaz to represent him after his ex-wife made a malicious allegation of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) against him. Mr Ali was a qualified teacher and a conviction would have meant losing not only his liberty but also his job. Careful preparation in Mr Ali’s case and the instruction of a very competent barrister meant Mr Ali was found not guilty by a jury at the Snaresbrook Crown Court.
Shabaz represented two brothers charged with the serious offence of robbery. Both brothers were found not guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
The client was summonsed to appear in relation to no insurance. He had no defence as such to the summons and stood to lose his drivers’ licence. Shabaz successfully argued that Special Reasons applied to his client’s case and Mr Turner, therefore, received no penalty points or endorsements allowing him to keep his drivers’ licence.
Client charged with the serious offence of robbery. The client was found not guilty at trial in the Inner London Crown Court.
Shabaz represents a young defendant who is accused of attempting to kill two people following a sustained knife attack. This case has been transferred to the Old Bailey.
Shabaz represents a defendant accused of being involved in a conspiracy to handle high value motor vehicles to the value of £200,000.
Shabaz represented a 20 year old accused of supplying Class A drugs, as well being in possession of prohibited items under the Firearms Act. The Defendant pleaded guilty, but the defence argued for a deferred community sentence. This was agreed by the Crown Court Judge and the defendant did not go to prison, despite the fact that generally a defendant would receive around three years’ imprisonment for these offences.
Shabaz represented a taxi driver who was arrested for ‘death by careless driving’ after he was involved in a road collision in which a man was killed. The defendant was acquitted.
Shabaz was instructed to represent two defendants accused of conspiracy to murder. The defendants were accused of being involved in an attempt to kill somebody by setting fire to him. Both defendants were eventually acquitted.
The Defendant was due to lose his drivers licence because he was not insured. Shabaz assisted the defendant by arguing that Special Reasons applied in his case. The Court accepted this argument and the Defendant was given an absolute discharge and did not receive any penalty points.
The Defendant was arrested for a total of six armed robberies in the Essex and Surrey area. The Defendant was eventually acquitted of five of these robberies and he pleaded guilty to one robbery. He received just four years’ imprisonment, despite having previous convictions for similar offences.